I created a second blog to keep ourselves accountable on this particular part of the Williams adventures. Check out the full version over here at The Family Who Fasts.
The Plan
Our family is going on a "financial fast" for one
year--spending money only on actual necessities, focusing on what we truly need,
what we can live without, and how much we can save for what might be around the
corner. We will use this time to be obedient to God's desire for our money
management, and to experience spiritual growth--individually, as a couple, as
parents, and for our family as a whole. Hopefully in the process we will be His
light to others....even if they think we're crazy.
RealityEven though I "make good money" we never seem to get control of
our monthly spending. When I look back on our newlywed years, part of me longs
for those days of eating out several times a week, coming and going whenever we
pleased, and buying gifts for everyone we knew. Fast-forward 15 years and three
kids later--we love our life! This is truly the life I always wanted. But in
all that time, we've never quite "made it" with our finances. Year after year
after year we barely make our monthly bills, we build up a small savings then
have to wipe it out for some unforeseen need, and we constantly dip into our
reserve account to keep our checking account from overdraft. Every year we hold
our breath until our tax refund can rescue us--which goes toward paying off
debt, trying the savings again, and getting bills caught up.
Every month
(twice, actually) when it's bill-time again, my husband knows he probably better
stay away from the Wicked Wife of the West.

I am super-organized with our finances--we have gobs
of spreadsheets, budgets, calculations, and categories. I keep budgeted numbers
compared with actual numbers, color-coding where our out-of-budget spending
went, what we need to improve on, and what we totally blew it on. We pray. We
sacrifice. We cut. We cry (ok, I do). We pray more.
It's. Still. Not.
I came across a blog called
And Then We Saved
which described one person's journey on a spending fast for one year. Like me,
she felt a cycle of guilt and remorse which she finally declared must end. I
couldn't stop reading, and I knew right then that if we were going to be
faithful to God with our finances, it had to be dramatic, crazy, long-term, and
The SacrificesWhen I talked to my dear husband, you
can imagine he was.....let's just say, less than thrilled. We had a not-so-fun
argument about the constant despair of
where-the-heck-does-our-money-go-every-month when we already feel like we've
literally cut everything there is to cut. But, one thing I love about him is
that he is a process thinker: he might get mad at first, but if I give him some
space then he comes around. A few hours later he was 110% on board and already
making plans even more dramatic than I had come up with.
So we made an initial
list of all the things we honestly could live without. Keeping in mind
that....it's only one year. And also reminding ourselves that we have proven
over and over that can't do this on our own--we HAVE to do it God's way. (Why
do we always wait until utter desperation before we understand that He truly
knows better than we ever could! Sigh....) And what a coincidence (um, not!)
that right after our little argument, Bryan came across this verse:
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.
Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the
floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room
enough to store it." Malachi 3:10 Well ok then. Not much more
to think about, is there!
So here's the list of what our year will look
like.....telling ourselves it's "short term pain for long term gain."
- House mortgage--two of them, unfortunately
- Utilities--electricity, water, heat, garbage
- Cell phones--but limiting our plan
- Email and internet
- Groceries
- Gas
- Friday coffee--this is our cheap date....and honestly, it's crucial for us!
- Life insurance
- Money market savings account
- Health insurance
- Tithe (this should probably be first on the list)
- Kids extracurricular activities--one per kid per season
- Lowe's and Home Depot--unless an actual "need" not a want
- Cable--or at least a very minimal package
- Cell phone "everything" plans (is Facebook really necessary 45 times a day?)
- Costco membership--*insert sad face* but it seems to be a grocery-budget
buster for us
- Eating out, movies, dates
- Kid rewards that involve money--such as eating out when they successfully
pass their current level. We'll definitely provide a reward, but it will be
focused more on quality time rather than something monetary.
- Pet insurance
- Gifts--attempting to make DIY homemade gifts
- RV payment/sell the camper--this is the most dramatic on our list! *insert
an even sadder face* But we will still go camping, we will just buck up and
sleep in a tent.
- Our current gas-hog car--but it is paid off, so we're planning to do
a straight across trade for our SUV and RV in exchange for a more economic car
which can still meet our family needs. We'll see what happens....
- Civil War tickets *insert super really sad face*--we'll be selling them
- Out of town trips--this doesn't mean never, but we will be more closely
evaluating the actual cost (including gas) of each potential trip

WinsSelling the SUV and RV is a win-win-win on multiple levels--no more
monthly RV payment, less gas to spend, decreased auto insurance, and less cost
for campsites! This will be something we'll immediately benefit from, as well
as all year. It sounds silly, but the RV is already one of the hardest
sacrifices and
I will cry when we sell it! It's more about the
sentimental value--Graeson was only six months old when we bought it, and we
knew he'd be 12 by the time we paid it off. And by that point, we figured the
kids would probably rather sleep outside in a tent and we'd have the place to
ourselves anyway! And it has so many fond family memories inside those four
walls. Playing games while waiting out the rain, nap times in the air
conditioned trailer, male-bonding at high school camp..... I know, I
know--we'll make new memories. And we can always buy another (smaller) trailer
at the end of our year if we just can't stand tent camping! But I will need a
moment of silence to say goodbye to an old friend. (We even named him
Cable, cell phone package, and Costco will be an immediate win
for our monthly bills. Our grocery budget is one area we just can't quite
reach. Bryan is WAY better at the grocery budget than I am, and he's already
thinking of less-expensive recipes we could easily adapt for our family. One
up-front purchase we will probably make is to invest in a laptop, so we can
still watch our favorite shows and movies on the internet.
But of course,
the most important gain is the journey our family will be taking. Together.
The kids are already on board, and coincidentally (or not?) have been learning
about Godly money management in Sunday school. Kaela seems a little hesitant
about it all, but ultimately I think her issues are that she just plain doesn't
like change. And the thought of a different car is a little anxiety-provoking
for her. But these are the exact lessons we want to teach our kids--in the
context of Biblical teaching and the concept of giving up what we don't
need.....and giving it all to God.

Goodbye ball and chain! We're not even going to
miss you.