Sunday, December 20, 2020

Williams Christmas 2020

Merry Christmas from the Williams family!

Last year at this time, we were on a family vacation to Disneyland! We took a two week trip and had a fantastic time - we celebrated Kaela's senior year and her 18th birthday, and we made amazing family memories!  We were so glad our timing was during Christmas because...shortly afterward, 2020 came and we know how that changed everything.

Kaela's senior year was not what she had dreamed of - starting in March, so many things got stopped, rescheduled, delayed, or cancelled entirely.  Our school district offered seniors could be done at the end of March, but Kaela had some college-credit classes she wanted to complete.  She continued with online classes until June, and we waited with anxiety while graduation was in peril several times.  We finally got to have graduation in August and a successful open house celebration as well!  She graduated with many honors, awards, medals, and cords - a hard earned achievement!  A few weeks later, she began attending Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma and wanted to live on campus in the dorm.  Again, many last minute changes were navigated but finally she arrived!  She is majoring in Nursing and minoring in Spanish. Though no roommates were allowed this year, Kaela enjoyed her own dorm space and taking walks around campus.  Since all her classes have been online from her dorm room, she's made the decision to move back home for the second-half of the year.  She will be a PLU student from her own house!

Graeson had a successful freshman football season playing cornerback, and mom was happy he had an injury-free year!  Unfortunately in his sophomore year, football season has been postponed - so far, it's scheduled for February. In the meantime, Graeson has been doing home workouts and trying to prepare for the upcoming season.  He and dad had planned to train for their third degree black belt in taekwondo, but that too has been put on hold.  He has maintained connections with his friends, and for a time he was able to go to to church youth group in person; otherwise he attends a sophomore guys group via Zoom meetings.  Graeson has also taken on the role of dinner chef, and does the cooking multiple nights a week.  He recently turned 16 and after a year of driving practice, he finally has his license!  Now his focus is applying for jobs, and saving up to buy his own car.

Maezie enjoyed being at middle school last year without her brother there!  Then at the exact middle-of-middle-school halfway through seventh grade, distance learning became the way of the world.  She is now in eighth grade and attends class via "synchronous" learning two days a week from her home computer, and self-learning the other days of the week.  She is doing a fantastic job with online learning, despite missing her friends in person. Maezie has continued with multiple dance classes, and she has been able to go to the studio in person for most of the summer and fall.  Unfortunately last year's recital was cancelled, but parents were able to watch the final dances in costume within the classrooms.  She is a teaching assistant for a class of little dancers, and she works hard at being in some of the more challenging level classes!  Maezie also helps with making dinner, but her specialty is baking - tarts, cupcakes, desserts, and even macarons!

Mom and Dad have been adjusting (and adjusting again) to the many changes thrown at us this year.  Even before the pandemic, we made a major change when after 17 years as a stay-home-dad, Bryan went back to work!  He had already been volunteering with a teacher friend in the woodworking class, so when a position opened he applied and was chosen! His official job is CTE Liaison (career technical education) at North Salem High School. He worked a few months directly with kids, then worked from home through distance learning last spring.  Now he goes to the school and helps teachers with various projects. Jill continues to work as a hospice supervisor, now at the Portland branch for the past two years.  Recently, I've shifted to a home office several days a week, and I commute to my work office less often.  With four people working on computers at home, ironically Bryan is the only one who leaves the house!  But we still find time to squeeze in coffee-car-dates now and then.

We are hopeful this next year we will be able to try again for family vacations, sports, and in-person school! And most of all, we hope to keep our connections with many of you - maybe even seeing you at some in-person occasions!

Bryan, Jill, Kaela, Graeson, Maezie

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