Sunday, December 4, 2011

Merry Christmas From Bend

Merry Christmas from Bend!
Last year at this time, we had no idea that major changes were just around the corner!  Our life was calm, comfortable, and conventional—we knew every street, store, and stoplight.  We were predictable, planned, and purposeful.  But….God had other plans in mind!
I had felt a gentle calling to expand my hospice career, and in early Spring I received an undeniable message that my work in Klamath Falls was needed elsewhere.  By May, I had been hired at Partners In Care hospice in Bend.  We notified our family and friends, had a giant garage sale, packed up 8 years of accumulated belongings, and moved three hours away….all in less than three weeks.

Initially we stayed in our RV trailer at my dad’s house for the first couple of weeks.  Though it was an hour commute to work, the slow-paced country life was a nice transition—and the kids thought “camping” was great!  Soon we found a rental house in town and were able to spend the summer evenings exploring the many walking paths, parks, and hikes.  Now, after a long and grueling process, we finally have our own house!  We also have found a new church, doctor, dentist, grocery store, post office….and our new favorite: Costco!

The kids have all adjusted quite well.  Kaela and Graeson are at the same school—they love their teachers who both happen to be Beaver fans!  Kaela is in gymnastics and Graeson started taekwondo this year.  Maezie is in a small church preschool three mornings a week and she really likes it as well.  Bryan is staying home full-time now and during those mornings when all three kids are in school, he hikes up Pilot Butte and spends time on the mountain.  He hopes to get involved with our new church’s high school group soon.  I am enjoying my job and it is a perfect fit for me—but I do get impatient about the learning process and would like to know everything NOW!

The actual transition of moving was not easy—lots of goodbyes, many changes, and occasionally getting lost.  But we love our new town and especially our new house!  Since we’re now in “central” Oregon, most anywhere we visit is only a couple of hours away.  Make sure you change our address so we can keep up with all of your happenings as well!

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